Our website is currently unable to take orders. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Returns & Exchanges

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you are not happy with your order, for any reason, you may return it in new condition within 30 days of receipt. We understand that the product may have been removed from the original packaging and therefore it is not necessary to return the packaging itself.

Include a copy of your invoice and a letter stating if you prefer an exchange or a refund to your credit card. *Please note that refunds can only be credited to the original card used for purchase and can not be made by check. Refunds are for merchandise only and do not included shipping charges.

We can only accept returns for purchases made through kis-jewelry.com. If you purchased one of our styles from a store or another website kindly return to them directly.

Ship returns or exchanges to: Key Item Sales, Inc. 18543 Devonshire St #500 Northridge, CA 91324 Attention: Returns If you have any questions or need help selecting a style before purchasing, please contact our customer service department, Monday through Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm PST. Call toll free (800) 746-7666.