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About KIS Jewelry


We know you’re wondering what the letters KIS could possibly stand for. For starters, it has nothing to do with a kiss although that’s a sweet notion. Many think it stands for “keep it simple” but we’re a bit too amazing to settle for that.

It’s really not a guarded secret. KIS is simply an acronym for our company name, Key Item Sales, the one we’ve paraded around the jewelry industry since 1989. We got our start many moons ago selling nothing but key fobs and key chains, hence the “key” part. As you can imagine that was a bit lackluster so we moved on to something more colorful and fun, never once looking back.

We are very proud of the amazingly successful brands that we’ve created along the way. We’ve helped Mom’s and Grandma’s show off their children with Birthstone Brats® boy and girl necklace charms. We’ve shown people how to capture their precious pictures in Memory Maker® photo jewelry and have adorned lovely ladies with timeless fashion styles from Ashley B.®. We are grateful to the many customers, big and small, who have brought us this far in the journey.

As time marched on KIS® evolved into our nickname, then our brand and finally our mantra, “Keep It Sensational”. Whether it’s inspirational or fashionable, we hope that you feel extra special when wearing our one-of-a-kind jewelry creations.