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Your guardian angel will guide and protect you in everything you do

March 13, 2017

Your guardian angel will guide and protect you in everything you do

A guardian angel is assigned to guide and protect people, group, kingdom etc. It is said that whenever we go and whatever we do, the guardian angel will always watch over us.

KIS Jewelry has a cherub angel charm on expandable wire bangle in its Silver Symbology Angel Bracelet. This angle charm is a reminder that your guardian angel accepts and loves you just the way you are and will always be there by your side. You just need to relax trust and believe that you are watched over and cared for by your guardian angel. Whenever you are feeling anxious, sad, scared or lonely, reach out to the expandable wire bangle angel charm bracelet and know that your guardian angel is always around to hold your hand and help you.

These guardian angels are known as the beings of light and they exist in the light of the divine. The Symbology Angel Bracelet will help you to bring a divine touch in your life with its cherub guardian angel charm. With its detailed and reversible charms, this Symbology expandable wire bangle angel bracelet is perfect for stacking and will definitely be a perfect add on to your bracelet collection. The angel charm is accompanied by three other charms with meaningful words like live, love and truth.

This angel charm bracelet is a reminder that there are angels full of compassion and love who assist and protect us with abundance and each one is blessed with their own personal guardian angel that protects and heals us from each situation and condition with great divine, love, and grace.

The Symbology Silver Angel Bracelet is very easy to put on and take off thanks to its expandable wire which pops right into place once it’s on your wrist. You can wear this bracelet as a stand-alone or combine it with other KIS bracelets or other bracelets from your jewelry collection.

Gift this expandable wire bangle bracelet with a beautiful angel charm and let this guardian angel be a loving and caring reminder that your loved one that they are being watched over and cherished. Let them know how fondly and dearly you recall and care for them.

Sometimes when you need to share your feeling which is hard to bear and want to be cared for when your heart feels pain, your guardian angel will be there to give you the extra strength you need and keep you safe. Your guardian angel will be always there for you and light the way to guide and help you through.

May the guardian angel always love, protect, cherish and guide you in everything you do. Until next time, inspire, empower, love, life, and laugh but never forget to keep it sensational. 

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